With well over 6,000 members, the comments started coming in immediately and ranged from the funny to several great suggestions.
Telling people to look up my blog at 1976corvettestingray.blogspot.com is like asking someone to commit a phone number to memory on the spot. It's just difficult.
Since I know a lot of people use search engines to locate particular info, I thought that using something Corvette-related would make sense, and the year of my car would help the right audience click over to my blog.
And even though I really liked SharkTales as a name for my blog—as suggested by Jerry Butts of Indiana—that domain was already registered. I liked it enough to see if the similar SharkStory domain was available, with the same negative results.
Of course, there are lots of C3 fans out there who don't know that C3s are often referred to as "sharks," and I also did not want to mislead shark enthusiasts looking for information about the actual species. Search engines and their algorithms can be a bit tricky.
By the way, the "shark" moniker comes from the Mako Shark Corvette concept car of the mid-1960s which, among other details, featured a paint job that really resembled a shark.
Basic names like 1976Corvette and CorvetteBlog were already taken, in several instances by domain flippers who try to sell domains for a profit.
In my case, as much as I'd like to own the 1976corvette URL, there's no way I can justify—let alone afford—ten grand when I can get a similar domain for only $12 a year through Blogger.
But I did not limit idea suggestions to the C3 Corvette Projects group.
I have a pretty active Instagram account for my '76 Vette with around 1,000 followers, so I tapped into that resource as well. The more ideas, the better!
Names such as Ruby, CokeBottleVette, StingRite, and C3andMe were great suggestions but I kept going back to simple and basic, and the name that I kept going back to was 76Vette as suggested by Richard Morales on the C3 Corvette Projects Facebook page.
I usually refer to my car as my 76 Vette during a conversation. Not a 1976 but just 76. And rarely use Corvette, just Vette. So the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to keep it simple.
I sincerely thank everyone who helped me with their suggestions. I appreciate each and every idea.
As of this writing, I'm getting close to the 200-post mark which is pretty amazing, at least to me.
But I must admit that although it takes time and effort to produce (what I hope are) useful and entertaining posts, it is also a lot of fun, with the added bonus of having a fantastic chronicle of all the changes, updates, and good times I've had with my '76 Vette over the last few years.
I hope to make many more blog posts in the future and that you will continue to read my 1976 Corvette Stingray blog... or 76vette.com for short.
Thank you for following my '76 Vette Blog!
Product Links... (#sponsored)
• How to Restore Your C3 Corvette: 1968-1982
• 1968-1982 Corvette Restoration Guide, 2nd Edition
• Corvette Black Book | 1953-2019
• 1976 Corvette Service & Overhaul Manual
• 1976 Corvette Service & Overhaul Manual CD-ROM
• 1976 Corvette Dealer Sales Brochure | GM-Licensed Reprint
• 1976 Corvette Stingray Owner's Manual | GM-Licensed Reprint
• 1976 Corvette Assembly Manual